
Rockin’ Solutions for REACHIN’ The Moon


About Us

At zHodlers LLC, we know the future of technology resides in our actions today. What we build now can have lasting effects on various industries. That’s why we pride ourselves on building and holding cryptocurrency, blockchain tokens, digital assets, and NFTs.

The future has arrived and it is limitless.

We’re stoked to work with Pir8 Eye Web Solutions, LLC to bring education and entertainment (a.k.a. edutainment) to our cyberspaces and physical spaces. We’re creating incredible plans for gamers to earn tokens through interactive play in Zeemz Agroforests.

We’re Trekkies, we’ve seen all the episodes, and we’re dying to get into a holosuite, to use a replicator, or to hop in a transporter. However, we’re not interested in sending our atoms across the universe, so we’ll hold, while we wait for the tech to catch up. In the mean time, we’re inviting you on our journey.


Upcoming Events


October 21, 2021

Zeemz: The Versipisces Secret v.1

March 21, 2022

Zeemz: Agroforest V.1

June 21, 2022